Wednesday 4 July 2007

thegolfguru | The Complete A-Z Of Golf

thegolfguru The Complete A-Z Of Golf: "First off, a backspin imparted on a golf ball will cause the ball to gain loft and stay in the air longer. As the ball spins in the air, it directs more airflow up over the top of it and then downward behind it. This means that the air above the ball is moving faster than the air below the ball, and because of the pressure difference, the ball has additional force pushing it up, which helps it stay in the air for a longer period of time. This spin also helps golfers produce more accurate shots because with a backspin imparted on the ball, it drops quicker toward the end of the shot. And after hitting the ground, the backspin helps slow the ball more quickly. So the path the ball takes in the air is not a simple parabola. It is a parabola that rises more gradually at first and then comes back down more quickly after reaching its peak. Here are some examples of the paths a ball would take with different amounts of backspin: "

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