Thursday, 28 June 2007

Health Help for You | The A-Z Of Health Care

Health Help for You The A-Z Of Health Care: "Every new parent hopes that their child's health will be free of all health complications, but a number of illnesses have been shown to afflict many newborns on a regular basis. This article will discuss five common illnesses in newborns, giving causes, symptoms and treatment options for each. The rotovirus is a viral infection found in babies and young children. Symptoms of the illness include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and fever. The virus acts by attacking the lining of the small intestine. This results in dehydration from excessive loss of fluids and electrolytes. Often these symptoms will last from three to ten days. Children infected with the rotavirus can be contagious for ten to twelve days following the first signs of diarrhea. Home treatment consists of rest and administration of specially made electrolyte replacement products. Examples of these include gastrolyte, pedialyte and plamalyte. Oral thrush is an infection caused by the yeast fungus known as Candida albicans. It is also called candidosis or moniliasis, but usually these terms describe the appearance of infection in adults (candida albicans). Oral thrush often finds its way into the human body when the immune system is in a weakened state. Newborn babies are especially at risk from infections such as oral thrush. Two specific causes of oral thrush are a reaction to antibiotics and transmission from a mother with a yeast infection. The main symptom of oral thrush is evidence of painful white lesions on the inside of the mouth."

Health Help for You | The A-Z Of Health Care

Health Help for You The A-Z Of Health Care: "Constipation is generally the cause of hemorrhoids. If you have infrequently bowel movements or have to strain to have them, then this sets up the conditions to create hemorrhoids. When you strain to have a bowel movement, you cause blood to congest in the rectum. This blood congestion causes an increase in pressure in the abdomen and rectum veins and over time these veins balloon out, turning into hemorrhoids. Pressure in the abdomen obstructs the return of blood from the rectum.
There are many changes that you have to make to get rid of constipation. The first, the one most people think about, is to increase dietary fiber. But if you do this, it is best to understand what fiber to use and how much to eat. And, you have to make some changes in your diet, if you are eating mostly processed foods. The other cause of hemorrhoids is emotions or anxiety. When it comes to illness or body imbalances, they usually have some emotional component to it. So it is always best to make changes in diet and to see what emotional issues are related to your hemorrhoids.
There are, of course, other causes of hemorrhoids. Any activity that puts excess pressure on the abdomen and rectum veins can cause hemorrhoids. If you are pregnant, or if you sneeze or cough frequently, exercise too much, lift weights, or stand or sit too long, these conditions can lead to hemorrhoids. If you couple these conditions with a poor diet, then you increase the probability of hemorrhoids. Look at these various activities you do and make adjustments to their frequency.
Do not mistake itching for hemorrhoids. Itching can be a sign of allergies, yeast infection, parasites, or the use of coarse toilet paper. Hemorrhoids are usually distinguished by bleeding, inflammation, swelling, pain, or irritation. "

Health Help for You | The A-Z Of Health Care

Health Help for You The A-Z Of Health Care: "In this brief article you are going to find out the secret acne cure that the acne industry doesn't want you to find out about. It took many years to discover this, and once I did I never got a single zit again!
I've broken down this secret cure into 3 basic steps.
1. Avoid vegetable oil. Sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, soy bean oil...these all cause acne within hours of eating them and continue to give you acne for up to 9 days. DO NOT use vegetable cooking oils like sunflower oil to cook with. DO NOT use sauces with vegetable oil in it. Check the foods you eat for vegetable oil and find non-vegetable oil alternatives.
If I could recommend only one thing for your acne then it would be to avoid vegetable oil. There is no more important thing you could do!
2. Ok, so you've been avoiding vegetable oil for a few days and your acne isn't half as bad as it was. Next you need to increase the amount of nutrients you get into your body. Although no one vitamin, mineral or enzyme can cure your acne, collectively they do clear up your skin. So simply add wholefoods and vegetables to your diet. You should also take some quality supplements to make sure you get enough nutrients.
3. By now you've been avoiding vegetable oil and have added wholefoods, vegetables and supplements to your diet. Your acne is very nearly gone...but you still get the occasional pimple. The last critical step is to check for any fungi or yeast infections. These cause acne even for people who are not usually prone to getting any acne. It is vitally important that you kill off any infections. In fact, when I got rid of my infection I found that the few zits I was getting suddenly stopped. "

Health Help for You | The A-Z Of Health Care

Health Help for You The A-Z Of Health Care: "The cause of yeast infection can be due to several different factors. A yeast infection occurs when there is an overgrowth of the candida albicans fungus, which is a normal inhabitant of the mouth and vagina. Normally, the growth of the fungus is kept in check by certain bacteria, but when things get out of balance, an overgrowth may occur and result in a yeast infection. Normally, when people think of yeast infections, most often they refer to vaginal yeast infection, though the condition can occur in other areas of the body including the mouth (thrush) and other internal areas of the body. Often, people think of the condition as a problem that only occurs in women, but the infection can occur in men and infants also. One cause of yeast infection may be due to the type of clothing that is worn. Yeast tends to thrive in warm, moist environments. And women who wear tight clothing or non cotton underwear that cannot wick moisture away from the body or breathe easily seem to be more prone to the condition. Other causes of yeast infections include chemicals in dyes, inks and perfumes; condoms; and even your diet. If you are allergic to the chemicals in your clothing or bath products, this may result in an atmosphere in which candida albicans thrives and results in a uncomfortable yeast infection. This is the reason that it is best to choose products that are natural and do not contain such chemicals. Condoms may also result in a yeast infection for many women. Added lubricants that contain the spermicide nonoxynol-9 may have an adverse affect for many women and cause an infection"

Health Help for You | The A-Z Of Health Care

Health Help for You The A-Z Of Health Care: "If you are suffering from vaginal sores, it could be the result of a yeast infection or another condition like genital warts. It can be difficult to know if you really have vaginal sores. That's why it is most important to look at the symptoms surrounding this condition to warn you. Since you need to rely on the other symptoms to know whether you have vaginal sores or not it is very important to know these symptoms very well. Ignoring those symptoms could result in your vaginal sores to become much worse and sometime spread.
Here are some of the symptoms that could indicate you might have vaginal sores:
- itching in the vaginal area - tenderness - soreness - burning sensation - pain during sexual intercourse - pain during urination (possible) - outer rash or redness on the vulva or outer lips (possible)
If you are suffering from those symptoms or just some of these you could be having some vaginal sores or another medical condition. In that case I would recommend to go see your physician so he can give you a proper diagnosis.
The most common problem with people suffering from vaginal sores is that they are usually embarrassed by their condition and don't take the time to seek medical help. The problem with this is that it can be quite dangerous for your health. Ignoring your symptoms is never a good idea, and don't make the costly mistake of thinking they will go away over time. "