Monday 2 July 2007

thegolfguru | The Complete A-Z Of Golf

thegolfguru The Complete A-Z Of Golf: "Even with simple golf swing lessons, instructional videos and store-purchased aids, your golf game will continue the way it has been without consistent and efficient practice.
Consistent cause practice sessions involve exercises that are meant to develop muscle memory. Efficient because pacing your energy to the kinds of exercises you'll do is important as well.
Simple as this point may sound, it is one that is easily overlooked. Many golfers think that as long as they spend enough time on the practice range, their score will improve.
Unfortunately, that is not necessarily so. To improve your golf game as well as your golf swing it is important that your practice sessions be as regimented as the way you play the game itself, or more.
Before you complain about how boring golf swing practices are it might help to think that golf swing practices are what build good playing habits when you hit the greens.
And if you approach your practice sessions as more than a chore your golf swing training results will provide you more pleasure on the golf course.
First of all, think of your practice session in the following three stages:
- Warm-up Stage
- Fresh Stage
- Fatigued Stage"

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