Monday 2 July 2007

thegolfguru | The Complete A-Z Of Golf

thegolfguru The Complete A-Z Of Golf: "The idea of mixing business and golf has been around for a long time. Why is golf such an important ingredient for business? That's easy: * Prospective customers * Clients * Referrals * Recruiting key employees * Developing businesses partners, vendors, suppliers and the like
Business encourages golf as a natural side for networking and to develop relationships. Corporate America spends billions of dollars and thousands of hours on business golf as it's no.1 pastime today. I've heard about many big business deals done at the golfing range and I don't see that changing anytime soon. It's a sport that's enjoyed all over the world and it's definitely not a cheap sport to get into. You got your clubs and your entry fee which could cost you the amount of a new car depending on where you play. It's not a sport for the poor and that is probably the appeal for business men or women because one must be serious about the game if they wnt to get anywhere.
Be on your best behavior when playing with a client. Business golf can be a very lucrative initiative for companies today, but it can also wreck a big deal if not handled properly. Your attitude on the golf course and your reaction to how you are playing may cause a client to lose respect for you, and that may keep you from closing a deal.
The most important thing to realize is that people will remember how enjoyable it was to play golf with you; no one will remember what score you shot. "

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