Thursday, 28 June 2007

Health Help for You | The A-Z Of Health Care

Health Help for You The A-Z Of Health Care: "If you are suffering from vaginal sores, it could be the result of a yeast infection or another condition like genital warts. It can be difficult to know if you really have vaginal sores. That's why it is most important to look at the symptoms surrounding this condition to warn you. Since you need to rely on the other symptoms to know whether you have vaginal sores or not it is very important to know these symptoms very well. Ignoring those symptoms could result in your vaginal sores to become much worse and sometime spread.
Here are some of the symptoms that could indicate you might have vaginal sores:
- itching in the vaginal area - tenderness - soreness - burning sensation - pain during sexual intercourse - pain during urination (possible) - outer rash or redness on the vulva or outer lips (possible)
If you are suffering from those symptoms or just some of these you could be having some vaginal sores or another medical condition. In that case I would recommend to go see your physician so he can give you a proper diagnosis.
The most common problem with people suffering from vaginal sores is that they are usually embarrassed by their condition and don't take the time to seek medical help. The problem with this is that it can be quite dangerous for your health. Ignoring your symptoms is never a good idea, and don't make the costly mistake of thinking they will go away over time. "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.