Monday, 2 July 2007

thegolfguru | The Complete A-Z Of Golf

thegolfguru The Complete A-Z Of Golf: "Golf has been around for quite some time and the history of golf is quite interesting. In fact, it has been around for at least 500 years because it was outlawed in Scotland by James II in 1457 because it was interfering with the Scottish realm's archery practice. As a result you can see the game is quite old but who actually came up with the game is not known for sure although lots of countries like to claim it! It is believed that golf was born when shepherds who were out tending their flocks became bored and created a game by using their wooden crooks to hit round rocks into rabbit holes. That may not be the exact way golf was invented but it is the legend!
The game was originally played without greens and the holes were just open spaces in the ground wherever there was a space deemed flat enough. Grass was not kept meticulously short and the holes were very simply designed. Forget designed water features with waterfalls and beautiful landscaping. "

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